On Judgement
There’s nothing wrong with righteously judging right from wrong. Our judgement translates into evil when we cast a sentence upon another, suggesting punishment, even.

from prasso - in the present-active-indicative, which refers to habit/lifestyle

On Judgement
There’s nothing wrong with righteously judging right from wrong. Our judgement translates into evil when we cast a sentence upon another, suggesting punishment, even.

For Years Now…
Our studies have been in the vein of simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.

Faith of a Child
A child, knows how to repent, believe, have faith, especially so. In this way, they are gifted, being given a certain clarity ordained by God, as an illustration to all of us.

Something can be both known and unexplainable. (eg. we have several key paradoxes in the Christian faith - the Trinity, God-man, free will vs. God’s election, etc.; yet, a child of God KNOWS these things to be true!).

2Co 4:18b
…for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Jas 1:17a
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above…

Something can be both known and unexplainable. (eg. we have several key paradoxes in the Christian faith - the Trinity, God-man, free will vs. God’s election, etc.; yet, a child of God KNOWS these things to be true!).

Such is the deceitfulness of sin…
…it looks for proof where faith is meant to exist.

Contending With the Flesh
Learn to descend the mountain of human reasoning and challenge a naysayer at base camp, before even attempting to ascend to higher level conversations about God.

1Th 4:8
So, he who rejects this is not rejecting man but the God who gives His Holy Spirit to you.

1Co 8:1
Now concerning things sacrificed to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies.

This is GOD’S Sanctification
The only person who receives Christ is the one who does so in humility - in humble, repentant faith.

The Deceitfulness of Sin
Without saving faith, the Gospel “seed” ultimately has no root system and therefore withers away (even though the flesh was convinced it could produce good fruit in the absence of godly faith).

The Deceitfulness of Sin
Without saving faith, the Gospel “seed” gets choked out by pressure, ultimately yielding no crop (no godly fruit), even though the flesh counterfeited faith at the outset.