Getting Out of God's Way
We’re control freaks!! Amen?!!  Let's repent and ask the Lord to rule our hearts and our lives. He has provided His Spirit and His Word for us to do so. Eze 36:26-27, Jn 4:24, Jas 1:21

Jas 1:21
Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

The Power of the Word
One reason the Word is so valuable to us is because, over time, it plants in us the right motivation of love, ala Jas 1:21. Love is a cumulative effect of being in the Word daily. It grows us and empowers us to do God's will for our lives from the right motivation.

The Patience of Fine Speech
We are loving and patient towards those who are still ignorant of our Lord, because the Lord was loving and patient with us before we knew the Lord!

Gracious Words Show Love!
Gracious words are powerful for the soul because they're an expression of love! And God’s love shakes people!

Gracious Words Show Love!
Love is the means by which words can come out of our mouths with grace.

"Have Salt In Yourselves"
God has graciously granted all of us the qualities and the power of a spiritual preservative!! And not only can we help preserve one soul at a time, but we can also persist in His grace and truth to help preserve our land and our people! Gen 18:20-32, 2Chr 7:14 What a privilege!!!

"Have Salt In Yourselves"
Notice in 1Chr 7:14, deliverance for the entire land is dependent upon the humble repentance of God’s people!

"Have Salt In Yourselves"
We are to recognize and turn from our wicked ways, and be salty again, preserving the land. What a great privilege and responsibility... to ultimately bring God's patience and deliverance to our nation so that more may come to Christ over time!

As we live in the ways of the Word of God, including the fine list mentioned in Col 3:12, we eagerly await the arrival of more people into the kingdom of God!

Fine Speech
Truly encouraging words can protect and even help preserve the hearts, and faith, of others… whether believers or unbelievers.

We have the opportunity to help set people free from the devil’s grasp on their souls…. and that’s not an overstatement, that’s exactly what it is! 2Ti 2:24-26

Always Have Gracious Speech!
Pr 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Col 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

Always Have Gracious Speech!
These gracious kinds of words are sweet as honey because they do not seek strife, but just the opposite. THEY ARE A CALL TO LOVE.