John MacArthur onHeb 7:12-14
The Levitical priesthood was replaced by a new Priest, who offered a new sacrifice, under a New Covenant. [Jesus] abrogated the law by fulfilling it (cf. Mt 5:17) and providing the perfect that the law could never accomplish (Mt 5:20).

We can learn some things from Bible commentaries/scholars, but don't go into it thinking any man's views are 100% correct. That type of submission of the soul is reserved for the Lord and His Word alone.

Anything created by man is flawed. The only perfect commentary is the Bible. In general, you’re better off reading the Bible for yourself.

Good intention is only half the battle. You cannot achieve godly outcomes by merely “feeling” good about how to get there. You must fundamentally depend upon Holy Scripture alone (Jn 17:17).

This “better hope” (Heb 7:19) is the New Covenant made possible by the sacrifice of Christ once and for all (aka – the promise of salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone).